Hassan 4e

- Hi, i’m Hassan i have a shcool work to do so do you minde if i ask you some personnal questions of your life
- Yeah , shure
- Okay thanks So what is the saddest moment of your life
- I dont have a really sad life but i think the sadest moment of my life was when i learn that my first love cheated on me i was really yong but i loved him so i dont really talk about it bacause when i talk about it pepole made fun of me .
- Ho i understand you i hope your going to finde a better person that won’t let you donw like he did .
- How tallking about love who is your best freindly meeting
- I thnk it was one of my freind named Kevin but he had some hood and familly problems ho his parents dicided to mouve far away from Creteil but normally he use to comme back to creteil for my birtday but this year he isin’t comming.


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