Ilyess 4D


-Ilyess: who has been the biggest influence in your life ?

-Myriam: I am inspire in my everyday life by a philosophical movement called stoicism if I need to choose an author it would be Seneque.

-Ilyess: Why ?

-Myriam: I just think that is suits my thought.

-Ilyess: what’s your worst fear ?

-Myriam:  I have a phobia of spider when I see a spider it triggers an anxiety or a panic attack It’s not just a fear it’s a real phobia probably link to a past trauma.

-Ilyess: have already skipped class?

-Myriam: not yet.

-Ilyess: would you want try- it ?why ?

-Myriam: that will probably happened in the future since I am in university where thye planning is bad.

-Ilyess: who has been your best memory ?

-Myriam: I would say prom , it was the last day of high-school , we partied with all of my friends.

-Ilyess: have you ever travelled ? Where ?

-Myriam: well my family and I travel quit a lot and we visited a bunch of country so far I made a top 3 oh the country we visited : 

1 USA (New-york)

 2 UEA (abu-dhabi)

 3 Egiptya (alexandria).


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