Heïdi 4C

-What do you love the most in your life ?

The sport because she can surpassed her capacity. She adores the rugby and her father are her rugby's coach. She do a lot of match and she win every one.

-Have you eve taken the plane ?

She has already taken the plane. Ghjulia take the plane every sumers to go on Spain because her family live in that country. A day, she  was sleeping on a stranger. She was not pound of that. After her head was totally red. It her bigger shame.

- Have you ever had a pet ?

When she was little she had a fish, he's name was Bubble, but Bubble died when Ghjulia had nine years old. Now she have a cat, Henri. He have six years old. When Ghjulia was sad, she do a hug with her cat and she was better.

- Who's influenced you the most in your life ?

Nobody, she do my life and she no need help of every people. Ghjulia is just she.


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