Mariana 4C

"In which contries have you been,and which one have you preferred?"

-Doriane has been to:Senegal,Italy,Belgium,Spain,Marocco,Argentina,Uruguay,Brazil.
She has preferred the Brazil because,there was a beautiful greenery,a good mentality,simplicity,a good atmosphere and those  people can be happy with nothing.But the probleme is:there are a lot of injustices for examples,she was in Salvador de Maya in the middle of the road and she turned her head to the left ans she saw a little boy aged 2 years without shoes,criying because his mother was arguing with someone, because she did not have her drug dose.She scratched her veins,it was horrible, the little boy yelled and  grabled his mother by the knee.And she  turned her head to the right ans she saw a five star hotel with big cars ans people having having fun.

"Who's ibfluenced you the most in your life?"

-The persone who has infulenced the most Doriane is her grand-mother because she was a single mother and she raiseed 7 child.She is a strong woman.She always here for her and she raised Doriane during 6 years.

"Who do you miss the most ?"
Her mother because Doriane has been living in Nice since she was 6 years old until her 16 yeas after she came in Paris to her house aunt for worked in fashion. And she sees her mother inly once a years.


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