Mossane 4C

"Where are you from ?"
She's french. She was born and grew up in Milembeni Itsandtra, in the Comores.

"What's your goal in life ?"
Her main goal is to be happy, she wants to ti achieve personal and professional fulfillment.

"Have you ever been in love, if so how many times have you been in love ?"
She has been in love three times and the last time was not so long ago...

"How many jobs have you had in your life ?"
She's had more than 10 different jobs She's been commercial assistant, sale assitant, production assistant...She's always been smeone's asistant but in different professional areas and different companies.

"Who's the person who has influenced you the most ?"
She would say... Dany Kachama !
He's an expeienced man, he's her model, he's her big brother...He has inspired her, he has influenced her, they always talk together when she has major descisions to make... She loves him and she needs his guidance.

"What the craziest thong you have ever done in your life ?"
It' a difficult question...
She would say it's when she quit a confortable and reasonable job to go work in the field of art, which is her passion...


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