Sherina 4C

Have you ever travelled in all country of world or would you like to do it again ?

No, she has never travelled in all country of world, but when she will be 25 years, she would likes to do every continents in private plane with her husband. In Europe, she would likes go in Eastern Europe, in Africa, around Madagascar, Reunion and Mayotte, in Asia, India, Japon, China and Malaisia, in Océanie, Australia and in America, USA, Canada, Brasil and Hawaï.

What is your passion ?

It's the musice especially the violin. It is 13 years that she has  practised  it. She wanted to do it because she went often to opera and she was listening very popular composers and she adored. She hasn't played other musical instrument yet. Today, she is a professional.

Have you already turned off TV and phone for 1 day ?

Phone : Yes, she has already turned this. When she gets out with her friend Barbara and her boyfriend, she has occupations, sha had fun so she forgot her phone.
TV: So far, she has never turned the TV for 1 days because is very difficult for her because she play everytime in video games so she can't turned the TV.


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